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Are You Intuitive?

1. TRUST– Strangers open-up to you. At the store, a social outing, at work – you seem to magnetically attract people who want to share their story with you and value your insight. People trust you. They might even say something like, “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m telling you this. I just feel so comfortable with you.” You may also be a magnet to partners and friends who would be better suited as clients, rather than intimate connections.

2. SELFLESS – You have a HEART of GOLD. You want to help everyone, and often do! Maybe to the extent that you dismiss and ignore your own needs and self-care. You want to help and give, and if you could, you’d save every person on this planet. You take on the role of mother or counselor to many people in your life. If you’ve been 'the giver' for many years, not allowing yourself to receive and neglecting your own well-being, you may be feeling frustrated with or bitter toward those you’re giving to. You might be feeling worn out, lost, or stuck. And thinking, “What about me? When’s it my turn to be taken care of?”

3. SURVIVOR – You have likely experienced and overcome some type of childhood or earlier life trauma. Possibly a form of physical, mental, or emotional abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Or you experienced a great loss, maybe that of your parent, a sibling, or a close grandparent at a young age. You know pain. You’ve either created coping mechanisms (perhaps unhealthy ones) or learned mindfulness tools to maintain a sense of sanity in your daily life. And maybe you’ve sought help from counselors, self-help books, and/or spiritual healers. You’re a survivor. And this has inspired you to help others survive, too!

4. HYPER-SENSITIVEYou feel everything. Whether it's physically, emotionally, or energetically, you are very sensitive to your environment and the people in it. You have probably felt or been told that you’re too sensitive. You have a heightened reaction to watching/reading the news, seeing violent movies or TV shows, driving past car accidents, being around toxic people/situations, etc. You easily feel overwhelmed and exhausted by these things. Or if you’ve been formally trained as a healer, healthcare practitioner, or emergency care provider, maybe you handle these situations better, but still find yourself feeling drained by your work.

5. PRESENCE – People say things like, “I just feel so much better after our talks/spending time with you.” Or, “You’re like a breath of fresh air. You always know just what I need.” They often call or stop by your desk/office/home to say hello, to hear your voice, to vent, and to ask for your wise advice. You are a compassionate nurturer and an excellent listener. Just being in your presence brings healing and clarity to those who seek it.

6. INTUITION – You know, see, or feel people’s pain, even if they don’t tell you about it. You may feel it in your body, see it in your mind, or feel it emotionally. And if you’re not practicing self-awareness or not clear with your boundaries, you may unknowingly absorb and take other people’s symptoms home with you, later wondering why you suddenly aren’t feeling well. You may even experience someone’s symptoms before you hear from them or spend time with them. You get “gut” feelings about people, places, and events. You pay attention to any vibe’s you get, and sometimes make decisions without fully understanding why – you just know.

7. CALLING – You’ve heard it, felt it, dreamt it, (maybe you’re even fighting against it) but on some level you know you’ve been called to empower others. You are or you're thinking about becoming a counselor, nurse, massage therapist, teacher, energy worker, life coach, yoga instructor, volunteer, or some other type of helper or healer. It's as if there really isn't a choice to be made. It's who you are and what you do. It's your purpose here on earth.

If you resonate with 5 or more of these signs you have a natural Intuitive Gift!

While having an Intuitive Gift is a beautiful blessing, it's important that we learn how to develop and manage it. I'd LOVE to support your journey of developing yours! 

Become a Certified Chakra Intuitive - Learn More Here

As an Intuitive Healer & Coach, I've spent the last 15 years learning, practicing, and teaching tools for self-awareness, healing, and empowerment. I'm certified in many modalities and have created a unique way of blending them all together for empowering YOU to align with your Intuitive Gift!

I want to remind you that YOU are POWERFUL beyond measure! You just need the tools to fully enact your Intuition. You're here for a reason! You manifested reading this today because it's time -- you're ready to LEARN & GROW! You're ready to EMPOWER your Intuitive Gift!


Awaken Your Intuition

Become a Certified Chakra Intuitive!

Hello Beautiful!

I'm Melissa Asteya.

Lifelong Intuitive, Healing Hypnotherapist, & Creator of the Chakra Intuitive Certification Course. As your instructor, I'm dedicated to compassionately supporting & empowering your Intuitive Development Journey!

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